National Let's Laugh Day: It's Nothing to Joke About!

Written on 03/19/2021

We’ve all heard the saying “laughter is the best medicine.” Well, today is the perfect opportunity to test that logic out! March 19th is National Let’s Laugh Day. It reminds us to add a little humor into our workload, school assignments or anything else on your plate. It’s never good to be serious all the time, so letting laughter spark is good for all of us - yes, even you!

Studies have shown that laughter boosts your immune system, relieves tension and even helps you relax. Laughing in front of others can also have the same effect on them, as it can be contagious. 

Your body doesn’t know the difference between real and fake laughter. If you need a boost, pretend to laugh for a few minutes and enjoy the benefits of some feel-good hormones. And, the news only gets better! Laughing with another that lasts a good 10 minutes or longer can burn, on average, 10-40 calories. Who knew you could get a work out from it, too?

Celebrate National Let’s Laugh Day by taking a few minutes to watch something humorous. Try starting here with an off-Broadway spoof on the importance of feeling your feelings. 

Or, if you’re more of a jokester, check out a few real groaners here and share them with your friends!

We can all start a chain reaction of lifting others up through laughter. Start now!